Thursday, 30 September 2010

Crawling, 2 front teeth & bathtime gymnastics

Its been an eventful week for baby D. He has started crawling!!! He has just passed the 9 month milestone, and turned swimming across the floor into proper crawling! He is still a little frustrated, but is managing to get form A to B...I'm sure as the days pass, his crawl will become much faster. He has also started pulling himself up onto furniture...really, anything that he can grab!
He has 4 bottom teeth, and 2 big top ones just cutting through! They are unfortunately giving him a bit of grief, and he has been waking through the night, and is a little off his food. His nappies have been violent with these 2 top teeth too!
He is so active at the moment, and a simple nappy change turns into a huge wressle!!It is impossible to keep him still, and in one place. Bathtime has turned into an energetic event, and a simple wash and splash about, turns into a rather exciting gymnastics session!! He crawls about the bath, determined to grab the taps, the plug chain, as well as stand up...all at great speed!

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Pulling myself up!

Duncan's new name is Mr Wriggler....continuously moving about, and it is becoming impossible to change a nappy! He is so close to crawling, and shuffles everywhere! He is 9 months in a few days!He still has 3 teeth, but i think the top ones are giving him aggro. He has started to pull himself up onto things, as well as standing up in his cot!! This morning he was facing the other way in his I don't know what went on last night...lots of moving I'm sure. Jock continues to make him laugh uncontrollably which is lovely to watch!

Sunday, 5 September 2010

"One day I'll drive this..."

Levers, Knobs, Levers and knobs...All his favourite things!! This pic is of him sitting in the combine for the first time. He was instantly drawn to all the levers and knobs to the right of the steering wheel. He really leans forward, on a mission, determined to pull and press! We have also been swimming to the peak in Stirling lots, and in their baby pool, they have levers that make water come out of plastic animals etc...well, he just has to pull them, and would almost swim over to them if he could!!!He actually pulled himself out of the water to a standing position!!

Harvest buddy

Its been a busy spell harvesting recently, and Duncan , Jock and I have ferried many meals on wheels out to the fields. He loves to sit amongst the crop, pull their heads, and watch the combine work. He isn't scared by the noise at all!

Nappy off time with his favourite toy!

The sun has been shining this week, so we have had many hours playing in the garden! When we're outside and its nice, I quite often take his nappy off, and let him breath!It must be such a nice feeling not having a nappy stuck to you!! He is currently loving his farm tractor toy at the moment. He takes all the animals out of the trailer, always going for the cow first!! His new thing is banging objects with an object hes holding! Its great to watch all his new little things, and how hes developing!

The world is his oyster....part2!

He loves his walker at the moment, and loves to whizz about in it in our cottage, and over at the farmhouse...but he loves nothing better than space. So when either of us are down in the shed, we take him in the walker and let him roam about and zoom after jock!

Tooth number 3

Today I really started to notice tooth number 3 cutting through. He has been a tiny bit wingy, and the calpol has been used...but nothing like the screams of tooth 1 & 2!! He has such a sore bite at the moment, and has bruised my arm with it! We'll need to replace flesh with an apple or something i think!

Beach Baby

Mid August, he had his first beach experience! He loved it! Lots of scraping and digging of sand was done! It won't be long till he has his own bucket and spade, and is making sandcastles!! Growing up by the sea , and spending days by the beach was such a big part of my childhood, and I want it to be a big part of his too!

Bramble time

The hedgerows are becoming laden with ripe brambles, and someone has developed quite a taste for them!